Andrei Zagrai, PhD
Mechanical Engineering
- andrei.zagrai@istanbulbuklet.com
- 575 - 835 - 5636
- Weir Hall 124
Space systems and structures: design and practical realization of condition monitoring solutions for space systems;
real-time SHM of satellites, spacecrafts and other space vehicles; spacecraft assembly,
pre-launch, launch, in-space, and re-entry diagnosis; structural integrity aspects
in commercial space transportation; mechanical engineering of space systems.
Sensors and structural health monitoring (SHM): active and passive technologies for structural monitoring; structural analysis and
condition assessment; detection and evaluation of incipient structural/material damage;
exploiting the damage-induced material nonlinearity as a diagnostic feature; material
characterization; structural identification and damage features extraction algorithms:
HHT, correlation analysis, statistical data processing and neural networks applications.
Intelligent systems, structures, and mechanisms: analysis and design of the smart/intelligent/adaptronic structures and mechanisms
incorporating active materials, smart controls and embedded intelligence; Mechatronics,
networks of sensors and actuators for global and local sensing methodologies, artificial
intelligence decision support for sensor networks.
Structural dynamics: vibration of discrete, continuous, and complex structures; modeling of the multi-scale
structural nonlinearities; dynamics of complex structural systems interacting with
granular medium (soil, sand); linear and nonlinear wave propagation in solids, liquids
and gases; contribution of the nano-micro-meso scale phenomena into the structural
dynamic response.